ThorpyFX Dane Dual Boost & Overdrive
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Thorpy FX The Dane is a creation designed to meet the exacting needs of Danish Pete. Due to the design brief needing to cover the wide palette of sounds he uses, the pedal finished up being the most versatile pedal available on the market for such a clean design. The Dane has two sides - a complex light to medium gain overdrive on the left and a high headroom super clean boost on the right. The pedal is designed so that the boost runs into the drive side. This yields three distinct tonal variations ranging from clean boost all the way through to full and fat saturation. The pedal is also designed to clean up impeccably from your volume control and as such it is ideal for dynamic players who like to adjust their playing style.
The Boost side has Boost and Lows controls. The Lows control is there to really fatten up your tone and make this side of the pedal much more than a simple dB boost.
External enclosure made from powder coated steel wraparound and a stainless steel laser cut centre piece. Internally the pedal is immaculately built using premium 1% metalfilm resistors, Wima and Panasonic capacitors, Neutrik jacks and Burr-Brown Opamps. Coupled with a robust gold plated PCB and dust sealed Alpha potentiometers. A mechanical foot switch is used to turn each side of the pedal on and is powered using a 9V centre negative power supply.